Gravity Falls: A Tale of Two Stans Continuity, Easter Eggs, and References

2016-02-28 1

Blendin was here\r
Stanford: what have you been doing all these years you knucklehead?\r
Hot Belgian waffles \r
Knuckles sandwiches\r
Pitt cola truck drive by\r
Giant pawn(Little Dipper)\r
Eye in the window\r
No refunds\r
Mom was a pathological liar\r
UFO in fords room\r
Fords drawings: pine tree, UFO, 6 fingered hand, Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster(or gobblewonker?)\r
Bandage on stans chin, like mcgucket\r
Stan o war in legend of the gobblewonker\r
Bullies from dreamscapers\r
Boat that Blendin Blandin showed\r
Picture from fords room\r
Foot bot\r
Toffee peanuts\r
Principals Gold medallion\r
They switched sides on the swing set\r
El Diablo\r
World famous\r
Eight legged cow\r
Dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons.(map scene)\r
Car from news paper\r
Northwest realty\r
Tree monster\r
Eye bats in jar\r
Shape shifter\r
UFO cliffs\r
Shmepulock Sr.\r
Fords room: Gideons amulet, gobblewonker, crystal(possibly size altering), big footprint(possibly from tree monster), mermaid from intro, UFO, big mushroom, gnome \r
Prototype laptop\r
Mcgucket plays banjo\r
Apple reference\r
Get out, get out\r
Society of the blind eye (& message)\r
Stan vac\r
618 gopher road\r
Boarded up triangle window\r
Possession eyes\r
Secret wall button\r
T. rex skull and fish tank\r
Royal order of the holy mackerel banner\r
More crystals\r
Stans tattoo\r
Experiment 78\r
Dusk 2 dawn, ma and Pa, & teenagers\r
Characters: lazy Susan, pizza guy, sheriff blubs, labeled body guy, Toby determined\r
Mermaid skeleton\r
Susans eye \r
Stan pines dead headline\r
New tourist attraction headline\r
Murder hut changes to mystery shack headline\r
Stan bucks\r
OG twins picture\r
Soos employee of the year\r
8 ball cane\r
Youre a star sticker\r
Picture of dipper and Mabel(legend of the gobblewonker)\r
Paper hat(irrational treasure)\r
Mcgucket Apple Parody video: