veteran director Singeetham Sreenivasarao will direct him in ‘Aditya 999’ as his 100th film, now clouds are hovering over the project. Balakrishna is skeptical to take a risk for his 100th movie.Even though Balayya wants Boyapati Sreenu to direct his 100th, the mass director is busy with other commitments. Balayya even had discussions with directors like Anil Ravipudi and Krish, but none has resulted fruitful.As per latest reports, creative director Krishna Vamsi has come under the radar of Balayya. If things go as per plan, Krishna vamsi will direct Balayya’s 100th film. In that case, Krishna Vamsi has to postpone his much-publicized film ‘Rudraksha’ starring Samantha and his wife, Ramya Krishnan.