The world of comics and movies is full of superheroes and characters with abilities that transcend what is possible for the typical person. We enjoy these stories because we can escape our reality and imagine what it would be like to have amazing powers of our own. Yet, a gifted few in this world dont have to imagine because like the superheroes in comics and movies, they too have extraordinary powers beyond normal humans.\r
Here we will look at a selection of real world people with remarkable powers and abilities that surpass those of us mere mortals.\r
Author: Brent Swancer\r
List \r
10. Bajau Laut: Last Of The Sea Nomads - Aqua Humans/ Aquaman\r
09. Slavisa Pajkic - The Electric Man / The Battery Man\r
08. Kim Peek -The Real Rain Man / Mega Savant / The Walking Google\r
07. Masutatsu Oyama - The Godhand\r
06. Isao Machii - The Jedi in the Matrix /Superhuman reflexes / The Modern Samurai\r
05. Dean Karnazes - Ultramarathonman / The Human who can run forever / super endurance man / The Real Flash\r
04. Daniel Browning Smith - The Rubberboy / Worlds Most Flexible Man Alive \r
03. Wim Hof - The Iceman / The Real-life Iceman\r
02. Veronica Seider - Smallest visible object | Guinness World Records / The Woman with Incredible Vision\r
01. Michel Lotito - Mr Eats All-Even Metal \r
- ♫ Music used: Ephemeral Reign by Per Kiilstofte\r
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International\r
- ♫ Music used: Skirt Shaker by Jens Kiilstofte\r
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International\r
- ♫ Music used: Sunlight by Per Kiilstofte\r
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International\r
15 Most Haunted Places in the World \r
20 Most Bizarre and Weirdest Animals Ever found\r
15 Unexplained Disapperances\r