Donald Trump Town Hall on MSNBC Wed Feb 17, 2016

2016-02-27 3

Donald Trump Town Hall on MSNBC Feb. 17th 2016 to compete for ratings against Cruz and Rubio, whom will be on CNN doing their town hall. Genius!\r
********** Correction, Wed is the 17th!!! ***********\r
********* South Carolina Primary Feb. 20th ********\r
************ Nevada Caucuses Feb 23rd **********\r
Playlist of Trump Animations For Feb 2016:\r
Please visit my website and purchase a song or album to help support my efforts in making these informative videos! Thank you! \r
Please Support My Efforts to Promote Trump Events and Purchase the Trumpgasms Theme Song at the iTunes Store! Thank You!\r
Music Song: Trumpgasms \r
Single by Chandi Ziebarth\r
Trumpgasms Song:\r
The Youtube Play List of My Music is Here:\r
Please subscribe to BOTH of my channels for Trump updates and to here cool electronic instrumental music!\r
Thanks Folks!

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