Russian Olga Pidluzhnaya Imitates animal Sounds during a performance WTF

2016-02-26 438

The improbable performance of a Russian artist who imitates animal sounds by playing the Jew's harp on techno music.

Podluzhnaya Olga is a Russian born artist Lakoutsk, a city in central Siberia. In his show played in the city of Alda, the artist proposed a highly improbable performance to the public.

Accompanied by her tambourine, the woman dressed primitive attire, imitating animal cries alone for long minutes. After drummed and imitated the cry of the wolf and some other unidentified animals, Olga will finally play the Jew's harp. That's when the show takes a turn completely WTF, the artist continues to imitate animals while playing the Jew's harp on techno music. What a program!