Wayne High School Marching Band Fall 1994 Camp show Movies

2016-02-26 2

The Wayne High School marching band, the pride of Huber Heights, the band that dares to be different. in 1994 it was a massive 260+ member non-competitive show band that performed a completely different show for every home game (usually without enough time to really prepare), that just wanted to entertain the crowd and have a good time. This is a VHS recording from band camp at Camp America, near Hueston Woods and Oxford, in late August of 1994. Particularly notable is what Leapley has to say at the beginning of this video about this being the first band camp after the high school expanded to a four year school resulting in half the band being completely new to marching (instead of the usual third from back when it was just three classes in the high school). This was the Movie Themes show; it was performed again for the very first home game that year and included songs from The Magnificent Seven, Pretty Woman (with dance, drum break, and the band playing on its knees), The Flintstones (with the return of the giant star formation), and Goldfinger. (Performed by the Class of 1995, Class of 1996, Class of 1997, and the Class of 1998.)\r
---Steve Lodge (AKA Paul) shot this video. THANKS STEVE! :)\r
Many other Wayne High School Marching Band videos are currently on YouTube. \r
See this channel page: \r
Sep 9 1994 march out to the stadium: \r
Sep 30 1994 halftime Classic Rock show at Kettering: \r
Oct 7 1994 Homecoming March Out and Tunnel \r
Here is a little additional context for the time period of this video: \r
This was the first year Wayne High School was a four year high school in many years and it was the year the band exploded to record massive size with the addition of a freshman class (it was probably the largest the band has ever been [somewhere between 260 and 280 members depending on your source]). This was after the start of pay to play and marching band members were already quite accustomed to paying a participation fee. Leapley, Pryor (the announcer voice and Im sorry - I think Im butchering the spelling), and Lowery were running the show this year for their last year together. This was two years after field commanders Jamie and Joel invented the infamous drum break The Dog and it was performed for the last time at the Senior show at the end of this season. This was the first year the flags were absorbed into the Warriorettes. This was the football stadium in its first year with a fancy big new scoreboard and just one year away from getting the excellent (no potholes at all) spongy track. This was the academic year the track team won the Division I state title and the football team had that heart-stopping game at Centervilles homecoming and had a post season where they came in 9th. This was the year Alumni Hall debuted with all its arches and the new administrative offices (the first new school building in quite some time - back when Wayne was a bunch of different small buildings). And now Alumni Hall and all those separate buildings have been replaced with one big school and all the kids in this video are in their thirties.

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