Yogi Bear Yoga For Scoliosis

2016-02-26 1

Leilani McGonagle and Indira Kate Kalmbach are excited to share what they have learned together and to open a space for kids, adults, yoga teachers and students who are learning about how to work with their own or their friends and families back health. Filmed during a yoga teacher training at Pavones Yoga Center (the participants in the video do not necessarily have scoliosis). The Yoga For Scoliosis (Yogi Bear Yoga) sequence incorporates a deep understanding of anatomy and biomechanics including reflex arcs and facilitated stretching from Indiras studies and work with Dr. Ray Long. The sequence includes isolated muscle stretching and strengthening from the Scroth Method, plus a multidimensional approach to healing that acknowledges how important it is to understand the emotional and psychological aspects that come along with scoliosis.