Funny Video: Guy Shoots Heroin On The Bus and Overdoses

2016-02-25 7

Funny Video: Guy Shoots Heroin On The Bus and Overdoses WTF moment for sure.

People of SEPTA. "Philadelphia's Heroin Epidemic" Man shoots up what appears to be heroin on a SEPTA mass transit bus in Philadelphia, Pa.. This occurs ...

An addict collapses after mixing Crack and Heroin. Luckily Ross and Greg, a leader of a Drug Outreach program is there to help save his life. Be sure to ...

MTO SHOCK VIDEO: Man Appears To Have SHOT UP HEROIN . . . While Sitting In TRAFFIC . . . And Dude Looks Like He OVERDOSED!! (Was It REALLY ...

Down into the depths of the abyss he goes. Frightening scene from Bulgaria (Invisible).