Man Hacks Self-Service Machine For Half Price Meal At McDonalds : Man Hacks Mcdonalds System

2016-02-25 2

Man Hacks Self-Service Machine For Half Price Meal At McDonalds\r
More than a million people have viewed the video showing a glitch in the system\r
This mobile phone footage captures a group of friends bagging a half price meal, by using the self-serve tills.\r
They found a glitch in the system and were able to bring their $20 lunch down to $9.75.\r
The shopper selects a $20 dinner box, then his pal doing the filming, is heard saying: This is the best bit, watch this.\r
He then selects an L and P option from the drinks menu and adds it to his bill, but it reduces the total price down to $17.20, he repeats this step three more times until the total is less than half.\r
The clip was watched by more than 1.5million people after it was posted to Facebook and shared.\r
It was shot in a branch of the fast-food retailer in Melbourne, Australia.\r
The viral video has now forced McDonalds Australia to take action to fix the tills which were rolled out across the country in March.\r
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia a spokesman said: It is a new computer system and the nature of computer systems mean sometimes glitches can happen.\r
He added he was fairly confident there werent any other glitches in the system that would allow people to reduce the cost of their meal.\r
Mobile Phone Footage Showing How Friends Bagged Cheap Meal by McDonalds (VIDEO)\r
Mobile Phone Footage Showing How Friends Bagged Cheap Meal by McDonalds (VIDEO)\r
Mobile Phone Footage Showing How Friends Bagged Cheap Meal by McDonalds (VIDEO)\r
Big Mac Hack? Man Posts Video Scamming Half Price Mcdonalds\r
Big Mac Hack? Man Posts Video Scamming Half Price Mcdonalds\r
Big Mac Hack? Man Posts Video Scamming Half Price Mcdonalds\r
Man posts video to socal media showing how to get half price Mcdonalds\r
McDonalds forced to fix new self-service machine after customer HACKS it for free food and posts the video on Facebook\r
McDonalds Australia have cracked down on a loophole in their new self serve systems after customers learned that they could cut the price of their meal in half. \r
On Wednesday, a video was posted on Facebook that gave a step-by step guide of how to manipulate the fast food giants new self-serve system, allowing them to pay only $9.75 for a Family Box that would normally cost $19.95. \r
A spokesperson for McDonalds told Daily Mail Australia that the issue was identified and resolved immediately on Wednesday.\r
‘It is a new computer system and the nature of computer systems mean sometimes glitches can happen, he said. \r
The amateur video, which has 256,472 views, starts by directing future consumers to select the EFTPOS option so they dont arouse suspicion when they go to the counter to pay for a significantly cheaper meal.\r
The thrifty man selects the $20 Dinner Box before scrolling to the bottom of the menu and pointing out the ‘L AND P icon. \r
Impressed with their own ingenuity the men laugh as they select the icon and the price instantly drops to $17.20.