Screaming Husky Disturbs Sleeping Girl

2016-02-23 1

Guy trying to lay with girl while she's sleeping gets shocked.

The owner of this husky didn't know why he was screaming, but she did want him to stop. Eventually, he stopped screaming, but not without ending in a whimper ...

(Few Hours Later- 11:59 PM)~~ Wall-e awoke with a frightening jolt, his eyes scanned the area around him, he wondered what on earth just happened.

Blaze, the 11 month old husky is very vocal about not wanted to go into the kennel! Original link: SUBSCRIBE ...

The Sleeping Girl ;)

Husky screams at the vets office for no reason....

My mad husky screaming her head off while getting washed...

Crying during his bath!

As the owner of this husky laid in her room, she was startled to hear him wail at the top of his lungs. She didn't know why he was screaming, but she did want him ...

Siberian Husky Klaus won't eat fruit, but doesn't turn down turkey.

Gypsy, my Siberian Husky and Stinky, my French Bulldog/Boston Terrier Mix playing and talking.

My Huskies howling in the morning to wake us up.

My sister in laws dog.

This is my dog Mila, I was taking out her sister and my roommate's dog Luna out for a walk. This is how Mila reacts...

Arizona Husky Siberiana 4 meses paseando por el parque y jugando con todos los perros que encuentra da igual estatura peso o sexo, le encanta jugar con ...

Maverick screaming bloody murder as he's getting a bath. This went on for 15 minutes before I started taping it is just too funny.

Instead of waking up to her annoying alarm clock, this girl was startled awake to sounds of her husky screaming at the top of his lungs. Subscribe For More ...

Eventually, one of these two animals backed down. Dad And Husky Scream At Each Other After The Dog Stole The Man's Food Dad And Husky Scream At Each ...

Husky Situations demo their skills at Western Speedway! SUBSCRIBE ...

Screaming Husky Disturbs Sleeping Girl

Screaming Husky Disturbs Sleeping Girl