Calais camp migrants await eviction order ruling

2016-02-23 1

In Calais people living in the migrant camp are still unsure of what will happen to their makeshift homes. A French judge is set to rule on the legality of a local order to evacuate the southern area of the Jungle – as its known – by 20.00 hours on Tuesday.

Charities contend there are more people living in the area than the authorities estimate.

“The southern zone goes straight from Rue des Garennes to the Chemin des Dunes, it’s a big square, which represents about half the Jungle in terms of surface area, but it’s two thirds of the Jungle in terms of population because we counted 3,400 people in the southern zone and 1,900 in the northern zone,” explained Maya one of the volunteer workers at the camp.

Authorities want to move the people living there to newly-installed heated containers and other temporary accommodation elsewhere in France.

Under the local ruling they could remove the tents if necessary by force. But charities argue the notice period was insufficient and that evicting vulnerable people in mid-winter contravenes their basic rights.In Calais people living in the migrant camp are still unsure of what will happen to their makeshift homes. A French judge is set to rule on the legality of a local ...

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