Monkey armed with a Fish knife captured by firefighters In Brazil

2016-02-21 16

t is quite common that after a few drinks most people come to turn violent, however, the protagonist of this video is unique in that no human being because it is a monkey after drinking some alcohol in a bar he began to threaten with a knife to customers who were in the place.

In a video that was shared across the network observed the smallest primate in the roof of a house while holding the knife he allegedly took from the kitchen bar.

According to The Independet the incident occurred on February 5th and everything started after the primate enters the bar located in the state of Paraiba, Brazil and the remains of a drink prepared with cachaça was left on a table was taken.

Alcohol caused the monkey put Amagara aggressive and to attack customers place with the knife, so that the intervention of the fire brigade of the city who after several minutes managed to capture the primate was necessary.

The monkey was delivered to the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources who will assess whether the primate can return to wildlife or is placed in captivity after the incident.