Cat Dances on Hind Legs

2016-02-20 2

Freaking cat just stand up with it's own two legs!!!!!!

This is cute Roland-kitty, the black&white and the dancing (spinning on his back legs) came to him naturally as a very young kitten, so I picked that trick for him to ...

Cute funny cat standing on its hind paws. ***************** SUBSCRIBE me to watch more funny and interesting video usually!

This is Sophie. She likes to stand on her back/hind legs and dance. Enjoy!

Watch Cats on two legs Compilation Video.

She does this while I'm running on the treadmill. Subscribe & Follow Me: Instagram: @Verus_Animus Twitter: @Verus_Animus Vine: @Verus_Animus Moju: ...

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I quite accidentally taught my cat how to sit up on her hind legs. So now she does it everytime she wants food. I trained her to sit up, instead of meow incessantly.

Cat stands on hind leg.

This is my cat Petri standing on his hind legs on cue. The cue is "high". I trained this using clicker training. He's about four years old at this point. He somehow ...

Cat dances on two legs ...

When the music comes on over the speakers, this adorable cat can't help but pop up on its hind legs, move its hips, and groove to the tunes. Hi and welcome to ...

This is a music video remake of the famous Kitty Cat Dance Song Clip. No cat's were harmed during the production process!! --- Music created by:"Steveibsen".

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Cat stands up and walks on her back legs waiting for her food bowl to be put down. She is that hungry!

Cute Little Cat Stands On His Two Legs and Try To Walk Through and Dance. The Dancing Cat ;) Subscribe Our Channel For More Videos.

Cat Dances on Hind Legs

Cat Dances on Hind Legs