Pope and Trump at war: Catholic leader says is 'not Christian'

2016-02-18 18

Pope and Trump at war: Catholic leader says Donald's plan to build a wall with Mexico is 'not Christian' - then politician hits back calling Francis 'disgraceful' and a 'pawn'
Pope spoke on Papal plane after trip to Mexico which took him to US border where he celebrated mass
Condemned Trump's plan to build a wall between the United States and Mexico saying: 'This is not in the Gospel.'
Trump, campaigning in South Carolina, hit back furiously, calling the Pope 'disgraceful' and accused him of being a 'pawn' of the Mexican government
'Now it's probably going to be all over the world. Who the hell cares? I don't care!' he said. 'We have to stop illegal immigration ... and crime.'
Trump is a Presbyterian who has highlighted his religion repeatedly and is battling Ted Cruz in South Carolina for evangelicals
Pope had held right on the border at Ciudad Juarez, with celebration simulcast to stadium on American side of Rio Grande

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