The son of Megastar Chiranjeevi, RamCharan Teja has revealed many secrets and personal matters related to his family. The actor, who is enjoying the success of his recent release Bruce Lee, has said that his younger sister is the most pampered child in his family. He says that his father Chiranjeevi likes Sreeja a lot in the entire family. Ramcharan goes on to add that four women have had influence on his life and says that he had learned many things from them. Charan says that he learned how to maintain oneself from his mother and goes on to add that he learned how to be patient during turbulent and intense situations. Charan further says that his wife Upasana also influenced him a lot and states that she had gelled along with his family members with ease although he had some doubts as he had a big family. Charan says that he had learned to be a fashion lover from his elder sister Susmitha. He reveals that Susmitha is very creative and adds that she had designed many costumes for her father.