JOJO ft. VIRZHA - AKU LELAKIMU (Vizha) - Result & Reunion - Indonesian Idol Junior

2016-02-17 93

For Vote Jojo --- SMS VOTING, ketik: JOJO kirim ke 96288 atau LINE VOTING (TELEPON) ke 08061-08
Follow His Social Media --- Twitter: @JojoIdolJR | FB Fanpage: Jojo Indonesian Idol Junior
Tonton semua performance Jojo disini:

It's Result & Reunion Indonesian Idol Junior! Jadilah saksi terpilihnya Indonesian Idol Junior yang pertama! Terus dukung junior favorite mu agar menjadi The First Indonesian Idol Junior! Siapakah yang akan menjadi Idol Junior pertama di Indonesia? Jojo atau Rian? SUBSCRIBE our channel to find out!

The journey of Jojo and Rian to become The First Indonesian Idol Junior is getting closer. The Grand Finalis Idol Juniors will know the result who is The First Indonesian Idol Junior! Watch every performance and decide who will win!

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