2016-02-17 18


Hi Brethren,

Do you know that Allah is from Al Ilah? Ilah stands for our tribal or Kabeela natural fore Father and these Ilahs were displayed at Kabah, the Temple of Adam or Shiv. Mohammed Sahib said, this is not the time for the tribal Ilah worship but of the worship of Al-Ilah or Allah, our Supernatural spiritual Father of souls called Abba. So, if Allah is our Supernatural Father, then we are his supernatural spiritual sons whether in nature you may be a male or a female.

Now, the moral laws or Shariah apply to our physical natural bodies that are male and female and our physical body eats natural foods such as meat, vegetables, etc. whilst our supernatural self-soul needs supernatural Food, which is His Word or Kalaam or Ilahi Baani also called Dhur ki Baani Brewed through logical reasoning called Logoi. This is received by the grace of Allah by those who have open-mind or Nafs called twice-born. Twice-born people being of spirit or Nafsaani, they have the choice to use Nafs for the worship of Allah through Truth and holy spirit that seeks welfare of people and getting oneself sealed to serve Allah only or the person can misuse the spirit or Nafs in evil ways and become a hypocrite Nafsaani man to cheat people by seeking his own praises. Such evil spirited Nafsaani people are called Munaafiq or hypocrites and they dominate the world in politics.

So, as in the natural tribal father ilah, we have sons and daughters and so in our Supernatural Father, we are His supernatural Sons when we represent Him through the merciful deeds and His Virgin Daughters when we Preach Gospel that is fed to us by His Escort Holy Spirit, our Virgin Mother of Wisdom. His Word is received by the Grace of our Father Allah and through His Word, we come to know Allah.

Thus, our natural physical body is like the natural Moon that is not the Source of Light but just a Pot or earth as our physical bodies are whilst our supernatural self-soul is of Allah that is the Very Source of Light within our natural tribal Pots, the source of tribal Heeya or Sharm or half Eemaan. That is, no tribal identity or Ba-ilah, no Heeya or the threshold of Eemaan. Hajj rites are there to make the people sons of their natural tribal fathers and it used to be for the boys of 12 to 16 years old that kept Kabah to their right hand whilst going around for seven times. The present Islam being of the Mullahs, moon and star, who is a son of Satan, Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, which is given seven stones on the first day of Hajj, if he imposes his own views, they are called Fatwas or INSHMULLAHS, and each Mullah creates his own Mountain of fanatics by creating the tribeless, la-ilah, fanatic Devils – John 8v44 - with no tribal surnames or tribal Heeya. No woman could be a Mullah as she does not represent Adam in his tribal seed that men represent but a woman could be a Saint or Arif, the son of Allah. Arifs suffered at the hands of these Satanic Mullahs and they tortured them brutally such as taking their skin off whilst still they were alive (Shah Shams Tabrez).

So, our Supernatural Father Allah is the very Source of Light represented by "Sun" and being Spirit, no moral laws could be applied to His Sons, the Arifs. Allah is NOOR and this is reflected by His Sons through these Four; one quantity Heeya derived from your tribal seed or Ba-Ilah and three Qualities, which are truthful and not liars, contented and not greedy and the last one is Merciful and not cruel. Through these Four, you can identify whether a person is a merciful son of Allah based upon Samaritan people like, who went by their hearts, the Seat of Allah and did His Will, INSHALLAH or the cruel sons of Al-Djmar Al-Aksa, the Moon and Star Islam of Mullahs (Shia, Sunni, etc. sects), who established their own INSHMULLAH ISLAMS. Inshallah Islam is Stable and you enjoy the Perfect Peace of Mind whilst the INSHMULLAH ISLAMS OF SHIA, SUNNI, etc. will Fall into the Hell. Thus, to enter into the Real Islam of Allah, Sun, you must have tribal Heeya or conscience by establishing your tribal identity through Ba-Ilah or be a son of Man and this is the end product of Hajj rituals, "Say Islama, Eemaan (Kacha, the morality or Heeya or Pukka, contentment and mercy) hath not entered your heart yet". These Mohammedans know that Kabah is the Temple of Adam or of Shua or Shiva, the Pots that has nothing to do with Allah. That is, why the Mosque in Kabah that is meant for Mussallmaans, is called Al-Masjid Al-Haraam. That is, highly forbidden to boys who are supposed to perform the Hajj rites. But today, they call this Mosque as highly Mukadiss or Holy. That is up to them, the Mohammedans of La-Ilah INSHMULLAH ISLAMS that keep Kabah to their left hand whilst going around seven times in that bye bye to our tribal natural fathers.

Those 144000 that would be saved are all mentioned by their tribes and not Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, etc. That is

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