Muslims should see that Darwinism is the dajjal that will make the whole world deny God

2016-02-16 4

ADNAN OKTAR: Traditionalist Orthodox scholars say that "In the end of times, a dajjal will appear and he will make people deny God. He will be such a tyrant." But at the same time they claim, "God tells the validity of Darwinism in the Quran." When you ask them what will dajjal do, they say, "He will make people deny God." But didn't Darwinism make the whole world turn away from God? It did. So, here is the dajjal. This was his goal. He has only one purpose; to make people deny God. Doesn't Darwinism do that? Did Darwin do this or not? Yes, he did. Majority of theologians are Darwinists. This is also a method of submissiveness.
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