One of the portents of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)’s appearance is a fire burning hearts of people that makes them migrate to West

2016-02-16 19

ADNAN OKTAR: See, our Prophet (saas) says, "People will migrate in fear to the West in the time of Mahdi." This is what happens now, right? Yes. One of the first portents of the Last Hour, and appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is, “A fire will appear." This does not indicate a flame of fire. It is a fire hurting and burning the hearts of people. He says, "It will make people migrate to the West.” People will go the West it says in al-Bukhari, al-Tajrid  al-Sarih, 1368.’s-appearance-is-a-fire-burning-hearts-of-people-that-makes-them-migrate-to-West
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