Once deployed, 5G service will offer data speeds that are 10 to 100 times faster than 4G service, AT&T said.
Verizon and AT&T are starting trials for 5G this year, it’ll be interesting to see who rolls it out commercially first, and to what markets first.
Thus, it is a no-brainer that a faster network in the form of 5G will boost Internet speeds, giving the companies a reasonable advantage over the traditional cable industry.
The technology promises to have major breakthroughs in fields like medicine, where doctors could use real-time streaming to examine patients away from the hospital setting and possibly even lead to using remote robotics for surgery.
By the end of the year, AT&T expects to make 5G connections to fixed locations, such as buildings and homes, while wireless connections to moving objects, like cars and devices used by passengers aboard trains, are harder to achieve.