Trump trashes Cruz as a liar and a 'nut'

2016-02-15 62

Donald Trump pivoted Monday from his controversial debate night attack on the Bushes to hit Ted Cruz, a rival who is more of a threat to him in South Carolina.
During a speech at a Republican luncheon, Trump wasted little time before laying into Cruz, who is polling in second place with six days to go before Saturday’s primary.
“Ted Cruz is the most dishonest guy I’ve ever met in politics,” Trump said, pointing to news ads the Texas senator’s campaign launched stating that the New York billionaire is pro-choice, anti-Second Amendment and likely to appoint liberal judges.
The allegations, Trump said, are all untrue.
“He’s a really bad liar, which is something I hope you’ll watch out for,” Trump said.
“We’ve got to be very smart, we’ve got to be very careful.
You’ve got a very unstable guy in Cruz.
He’s nuts.”

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