These 4 Things Happen Right Before A Massive Heart Attack
So-called silent heart attacks, with signs and symptoms that are mild or seem unrelated to the heart, have long concerned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall.
Sudden cardiac arrest is not a heart attack, even though you may hear the terms “heart attack” or “massive heart attack” used to describe it. A heart attack happens when blood flow to a part of the heart is slowed or stopped, usually because of plaque rupture in one of the coronary arteries.
So Dr. Crandall recently created a special free video presentation about the four most sinister warning signs to watch for.
Statistics show a clear link between a delay in heart attack treatment and death or disability. That’s why it’s essential to know exactly what your heart is trying to tell you with warning signs like those discussed in Dr. Crandall’s video.
Although developed as an educational tool, this video rapidly went viral, surpassing 5 million viewers in just a few months.
A massive heart attack affects a large portion of the heart muscle, or causes a large amount of heart damage. This can happen if the blockage in a coronary artery occurs in a large artery that supplies a large portion of the heart; completely blocks blood flow to the heart; or lasts for a long period of time.
Every year, approximately 785,000 Americans suffer a first heart attack. And 470,000 who’ve already had one or more heart attacks have another one. The scary thing is that 25 percent of ALL heart attacks happen “silently,” without clear or obvious symptoms.
Even when symptoms occur, they can be so mild or vague, most people don’t even realize it’s heart-related (unless they are made aware). Four things in particular are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack.
These four things are the focus of a recent video presentation by renowned cardiovascular expert Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Silent Heart Attacks: A Special Newsmax Heart Health Report. According to Dr. Crandall, the reason silent heart attacks go untreated is because people don’t even notice the symptoms, so he created a special video presentation to show the four things to look for that may be a silent warning — before it’s too late to intervene and survive the damage.