The hadith of our Prophet (saas) that refers to television, Internet and telephone technology

2016-02-13 5

ADNAN OKTAR: Our Prophet (saas) says, "There will be no Judgment Day until a person's own voice speaks to him.” In the time of Mahdi (pbuh), people will hear their own voices from other objects. This is how our Prophet (saas) describes. He will record his own voice, and listen to it. “The Day of Judgment will not take place until a person’s voice and shoes speak to him, and until people tell him what they are doing.” (Ash-Sharani, Mukhtasar Tazkirah al-Qurtubi, p. 471)

People can now see what their families are doing by installing cameras in their houses and connecting to them from their cell phones. The hadith says that "until people tell him what they are doing”. In other words what is happening in their homes. Other than that, we broadcast our programs live and people everywhere sees what their fellow friends are doing. Or they can show their whole family what is going on through the Internet. People now can see and talk to each other on