Polis şiddeti protestoları New York'a yayıldı- Police violence protested across New York

2016-02-13 2

ABD'de soruşturma heyetinin, geçtiğimiz Temmuz ayında Eric Garner adlı siyahi bir vatandaşı boğazından sıkarak ölümüne yol açan polisin herhangi bir suçu bulunmadığı şeklinde karar vermesi, New Yorkluları sokağa döktü.

Jury decision not charging a white police officer, who killed Eric Garner, a 43-year-old father of six caused widespread protest rallies across Newyork. People around New York blocked traffic and chanted slogans to Show their reaction against jury decision. Eric Garner was illegally selling cigarettes on July 17 when police officers tackled him and put him in a chokehold.