Muslim Polymath Chuck Connors Challenges ISIS to Fistfight at Inter-Faith Event

2016-02-13 3

I thought Chuck Connors has been keeping a low profile lately - but he more than made up for that with his explosive comments following his appearance at an inter-faith event in North London, attended by the local mayor and community leaders.\r
Leaving the crowd with much to think about after his presentation, he went on the record backstage with some straight talking comments on both ISIS and offensive jihad in the Quran: when asked about whether Muslims were doing enough to combat ISIS Connors exploded:\r
Muslims have been doing nothing BUT combat ISIS - nearly all of the victims of this band of lunatics have been Muslims, though you would not know that with the press harping on about Yazidis and Christians only. and all of the people fighting them ON THE GROUND are Muslims. They are ones, in the main, killed by and resisting ISIS. On top of that, nearly all of the refugees created by the Syrian and now Iraqi conflicts have ended up in Muslim countries - Turkey alone has 2 million. how many has England taken? The US? Saudi? And if we have hate-mongering politicians in England complaining that some towns in the UK are swamped by migrants [ Ed: a reference to this foul specimen: then Turkey must be undergoing a Biblical catastrophe by that idiots standard. On top of that, Muslims are supposed to solve and condemn a problem that the US, UK Israel and Saudi created. What are we, like international s@*t cleaners or something? Where is this moderate opposition that the US funnelled $500 million dollars of weapons to? [Ed: see below from an atheist blogger]\r
Nonetheless, Muslims have been doing nothing but criticise ISIS, which is at least better than arming them like the US and Saudi. I mean how much more clear can we make it? Muslim scholars have been denouncing Salafists in general let alone lunatics like ISIS. How much more clear can we make it before the press takes notice and stops trying to act like ISIL actually is an Islamic state? What do I have to say? How much more clear can I make it?!\r
He then exploded: F**K ISIS - is that clear enough? F~~K them and the horse they road in on. Ill beat the crap out of them if I get the chance. Ill fight them like Clint Eastwood in Every Which Way But Lose if I have to bare knuckle style, monkey and all [Editor: it was an Orang Utang].\r
But that was not all - he went on as alarmed bystanders stood spellbound:\r
I am totally sick and bloody tired of this whole Quran is a violent, bloody book bullocks! What these a**holes who say crap like this are doing is taking humanity in general and Muslims in particular away from the one source which can guarantee peace and harmony between people, the one source which Muslims respect and will listen to. There is NO violent verse in the Quran which tells people to engage in aggressive jihad or warfare or whatever.\r
Everything is defensive and for people who are provoked first. Thats it. theres no interpretations and no confusion no translation, nothing: it is plain reading\r
When some bystanders reacted with disbelief Connors continued: I have spent my whole life studying and reading the Quran. If there was some verse to justify wanton violence or aggression of any kind I would have bloody well found it by now.\r
He then issued the following challenge:\r
I will give £5000 cash to anyone who can demonstrate pre-emptive violence of ANY kind from the Quran. My offer stands any-time, any place - it can be done anonymously over the internet and I will pay up. Ill pay by Google or Paypal or whatever. If the Quran is such a violent and bloody book like we are being told, this is an easy £5000. People should be lining up to get it. If I had £5,000,000 I would offer that. However much I had I would offer it. I would offer my life if I was allowed. Thats how confident I am they cant bring me this violence from the Quran. Cos they are full of crap.\r
I checked with Connors to see if he was still serious about his offer and if he was happy to extend it via the asharisassemble site and he told me:\r
You bet. The Quran is the most peaceful book of any major world religion as far as I am concerned. If anyone can prove otherwise or show any aggression in the Quran let along blood soaked violence then come at me. Ill pay, Ill leave Islam, whatever. Im sick an tired of the same total fallacy of the Quran being a violent book being repeated over and over again. So Im issuing this challenge and Im serious.\r
But if people fail to prove it, then shame on them for talking total rubbish this whole time and being a bunch of hatemongering xenophobic crypto-fascists. And shame on those non-Muslims who believed them.\r
Strong words. So how about it - anyone want to earn £5000 by showing the Qura

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