Lets Try Out Tofu Tower

2016-02-12 1,103

Trying out an Indie Game https://naka.itch.io/tofu-tower

The tiny witch Tofu Muffin (who is neither tofu nor a muffin) just wants to help people! She's happened upon a town with a request. Legend has it the tower nearby has a magical artifact in it that will help ward off the monsters threatening the city. But nobody knows if the legends are true, or if the tower even has a top! The creatures within are unlike any others in the world of Welgaea, and Tofu's going to have to collect cards, level up, and explore a randomly generated tower to see if the legends are true.

Honestly I just want people to play and enjoy the game, but donations are more than welcome! As is feedback! I'd love to continue tweeking and adding content based on what the players want!

I don't have the capacity to test (or really do much OS-specific support) the OSX and Linux versions, I've just got what Construct gives me. Also, Firefox doesn't have great HTML 5 support, so if you're seeing a lot of slowdown you may want to either download it or try a different browser.

Known issue: Pressing two directional buttons simultaneously should not move you diagonally. Bad things happen. Fix in the works.
