IPA 10/05/13 Detroit - Part 1 of 10: Jono Shaffer - Facts about Detroits Interest Rate Swaps

2016-02-11 4

Part 1 of 10\r
Featured speaker: Mr. Jono Shaffer, Deputy Director at Service Employees International Union (SEIU).\r
Concluding portion of power point presentation on how Wall Street and Banks are behind attack on public workers.\r
This video clip was recorded on Saturday October 5, 2013 during the International Peoples Assembly (IPA) - Against the Banks and Against Austerity in Grand Circus Park, Woodward and Adams, in Detroit, Michigan, USA.\r
In observance of the 5th Anniversary of the Federal $700 Billion Bank Bailout --- The IPA organizers made a call to all activists fighting banker-imposed austerity -- here in the U.S. and worldwide -- to come to Detroit, Michigan, on October 5 and 6, 2013 and join the people of this city under siege in convening the International Peoples Assembly - Against the Banks and Against Austerity.\r
For more information, please visit: .