OSHO With Meditation Your Intelligence Will Be Growing

2016-02-11 1

OSHO: With Meditation Your Intelligence Will Be Growing

Osho, a contemporary mystic speaks on virtually every aspect of human consciousness. In these talks, the human condition, whether the mind, the heart, love or awareness is exposed with humor and insight, as never before.

Here Osho responds to the question:

Do those cells needed for a lively and growing intelligence have only a limited lifespan, so that there is a point beyond which one either becomes senile or stagnates? Or, given the necessary stimulus, is it possible to continue to grow right up to the moment of one's death?

"The ordinary human being stops his growth of intelligence at the age fourteen because the biological purpose is complete. At the age of fourteen, the person is mature enough to give birth, to reproduce. Biology is no longer interested beyond this point. This is the reason why the average human being is stuck at the age of fourteen as far as his mental age is concerned. People go on growing physically up to seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred years -- ... But their mental age remains stuck at fourteen. This has been the routine up to now."

This video is available for translation as part of the OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project.
Join the project as a translator at: http://www.oshotalks.info
OSHO International Foundation: http://www.osho.com