League Of Legends Match 1 - League Of Short Matches. Wait(Please Read The Description.)

2016-02-10 5

Short jokes aside ~READ~ME~PLEASE~\r
So, this is something thats been happening for awhile. Ive actually started to play League of Legends. I remember saying in a few other videos that I never cared for it, and that it was a bad game but it wasnt till 2 friends of mine asked me to play with them that I actually started to enjoy it. So yeah, Im not exactly sure how often Ill record matches or how often Ill upload one of these but theyl probably be fairly frequent.\r
Note : Im nowhere near good enough to play PVP/Ranked games so intermediate bots is what youl be seeing at least for awhile.\r
P.S : No, MapleStory videos havent stopped coming out I just have no motivation to record anything with MapleStory that I havent already shown. When something new comes out, Ill record some of that and you might see the occasional video here and there but it wont be anything major. \r
P.P.S : Pokémon Emerald will be uploading soon as well. I just need to get back home and wait for ThirdOfClubs to get on Skype. \r
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