Our Prophet (saas) declared, 1400 years ago, that God will send the ISIS against the PKK

2016-02-09 11

ADNAN OKTAR: "God will send people who hide their names when they talk about themselves." What does "who hide their names" mean? The Hidden Heroes. Why does one hide his or her name? "God will send people who hide their names." As everyone knows, the members of the National Intelligence Agency (MIT) and of the Special Forces hide their real names.   

He says, "Victory will be always with them." He refers to a group of people again. “Their hair and moustaches are long like their beards. They would be dressed in black", which refers to the members of the ISIS. Their hair, moustaches are long like their beards. They would be dressed in black, which is well known. This description in the hadiths is considered as the description of the ISIS, "and their banners will also be black." Indeed, "Woe unto whoever opposes them." See, the hadith reads, "woe unto whoever opposes them", in other words, tho

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