God will send Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) when the world is in utter confusion and disorder and roads are obstructed (by the PKK)

2016-02-09 13

ADNAN OKTAR: "At a time when the world is in utter confusion and disorder," in other words, when the world is full of anarchy and terror. "Tribulation will appear, when roads are obstructed," which indicates that the PKK or other terrorist organizations obstruct the roads. "When people attack one another," for instance, when the Iraqi army attacks the ISIS and vice versa. "The elderly do not feel compassion for the young," which indicates that people do not feel compassion for children as they keep on dying in boats and becoming martyrs.

"When the elderly are not treated with dignity", that is to say, they show no respect to their elders. "Meanwhile God will eradicate enmity from them," in other words, God will eliminate hostility, "and conquer the fortresses of blasphemy", that is, the fortresses of infidelity which are the systems that deny the existence of God such as Darwinism and materialism. "And just as

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