Off Duty Cop Reacts to Assault and Kills Bandit in the Bank

2016-02-09 2

google translation One assailant was killed late on Monday while trying to steal a military police officer in the agency\'s Savings of Christ the King in V\'arzea Grande. Officer Izak Pires Rodrigues, was also shot and taken to the emergency room of V\'arzea Grande. \n\n According to the information, the officer was using the ATM when the robber entered the agency and announced the robbery.Armed, Izak responded and exchanged shots with the bandit. \n\n The assailant, who has not been identified, was hit in the head and died on the bank entrance. The officer was taken by Samu (Mobile Emergency Service) to the emergency room, where he underwent surgery and is not at risk of death. \n\n Witnesses reported that another villain, which gave support to the criminal managed to escape. \n\n