Postcards Ep 1 – Skateboarding in Senegal By Michael Mackrodt

2016-02-09 2

Postcards episode 1, sent to us from Dakar, Senegal.
Michael Mackrodt shows us a place that might be the exact opposite of most skater’s staple go-to sunny marble plaza haven, Barcelona: Dakar, Senegal.

Postcards is a new feature on Kingpin. It’s the old “disposable camera, shoot the world through your eyes”-game brought to moving pictures.

Whenever we hear of interesting tours or exotic destinations some of the main characters of European skateboarding embark on and set sail to, we fit them with a roll of super 8 film and let them shoot what they think makes their journey special.
The results are by far no traditional skate clips. Much rather are these personal travel diaries – postcards from roads less travelled!