Balto X Bolt part 1 If I Only Could

2016-02-09 2

Bolt is a well known superhero, but Balto doesn't like that and does everything possible to convince him to live a normal life like him. Bolt on the other hand loves his job.

One day when he comes home, Balto tries to tell him that he is mating with a dog named Jenna, hoping that Bolt will stop being a hero and live with him, Jenna and their pups. but before Balto can say anything Bolt says he doesn't think there's another way he would want to live. Balto gets very sad and runs away. Bolt suddenly finds him gone and runs to look for him. meanwhile, Steele, a demon from the unholy underworld, and one of Bolt's enemies, sees Balto running towards him. Steele knows that Balto is Bolt's best friend so he runs after him. Balto is scared and runs away, calling for Bolt, but Steele grabs him by his leg and throws him into a rock.

Meanwhile, after a week of searching, Bolt begins to doubt himself as a hero. then he hears Balto calling for him. he runs to him and in his dying breath, he tells Bolt he's mating. Bolt is sad he couldn't save Balto, so he calls out into the sky to god and begs him to take him instead of Balto. god tells him to go into the light, find Balto and send him back, then take his place. so Bolt runs to find the light and when he does, he runs into it with out thinking, calling out Balto's name. the moment Balto sees him, everything fades and Balto is standing alone.

Eight weeks later, Balto goes to Jenna's house, only to find that she'd given birth to a litter of pups, one of which looks just like Bolt! Balto decides to name him Bolt Jr., after his friend.