This is an ultra-modded and an ultra-hardcore overhaul of Fallout 3, made as close to the real world mechanics as possible (so I'll have to play quite cowardly in the beginning if I want to live :D).
It incorporates FWE (Fallout 3 Wanderers Eddition), FWE Combat Overhaul, FOOK2, 20th Century Weapons, WMK, RH Ironsights, Marts Mutant Mod, NTFS, EVE, EWE, Project Realty, xCALIBR and various other smaller mods, and above that, a big rewamp of player stats (SPECIAL) and skills, trying to make combat as realistic as possible (e.g. your carry weight now reduces your agility and strength, critical chance now depends negative exponentially on Luck, Luck affects almost all probability calculations relevant for you, and much more), a rework of Experience system, and a complete rewamp of Damage System.
Every weapon (and creature attack) now have two key values that determine the Hit Point damage:
1. The attack Damage of the weapon
2. The Penetration of the attack
So in short, the armor I'm wearing have a certain Armor Thickness (calculated from DR value), and so does the helmet (which takes place if I'm hit in the head, so head and the rest of the body now have independent armor ratings), and if the weapon Penetration is smaller than the Armor Thickness I'll reflect all the damage, my Hit Points (also limb conditions) will not get damaged at all; otherwise the damage to HP is the Attack Damage of the weapon scaled to its penetration through the armor, ie. Damage * (Penetration - Armor Thickness) / Penetration
Above that, every attack has a chance to cause the target to bleed or burn (depending on the target's HP damage), depending on the nature of the attack (basically Energy weapons and Flamers can cause burn, others cause Bleeding). Also every attack has a probability to knock down the target for a few seconds (again depending on the target's HP damage)
And all the formulas apply the same for all the Actors in the game.
1. No Load Games unless I die
2. If I die I can load a Save Game made at least 2 hours ago (so basically that's the most hardcore element of the game :D)
3. No VATS (It's really ruining the immersion, I mean u can see anyone in the dark or camouflaged, even characters behind your back, you get instant autoaim... )
4. Only First Person view (no 3rd person overseeing the terrain)
5. I can't use PipBoy during fight (cause pausing that game again brings you a big advantage and ruins immersion)
NOTE: You shouldn't be watching this as a normal playthrough (especially not as a vanilla Fallout 3 playthrough, cause you can finish it in 15mins), but rather as what would the real life (likely) be in the Fallout settings (post-nuclear war combined with FEV and Enclave and everything else, and where you CAN'T just die and load a saved game), and how can a mere mortal slowly, tactically, grow up to the status of demigod. So this playthrough is going to be SLOW, with minimal risks taken, and a LOT of tactics :P (but you can always skip the parts you don't find very interesting).
You can follow me on Twitch every day from 23:00 CET: