New Delhi, Feb 3 (ANI): Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpai is all set to woo the audience with his performance in the upcoming flick, 'Aligarh.'But ever since news about the film and his character has taken over the web, the actor has received mixed reactions on his twitter mentions. While some of his followers have showered praise, but there are others who have 'unfollowed' him, posting hateful tweets on his wall. Manoj added that all these reactions do not make any difference to him and his career because at such moments, he goes back to his basics where he chose to act for his own self. Directed by Hansal Mehta, 'Aligarh' is a real life story of Dr. Shrinivas Ramchandra Siras, who was suspended from his job because of his sexual orientation. The film will be released on February 26.