Jeb Bush, an Also-Ran in Iowa, May Be Pivotal in New Hampshire

2016-02-03 1

In the crowded New Hampshire primary, no candidate may shape the direction of the Republican presidential campaign more than the man who finished sixth in Iowa: Jeb Bush.
With Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, Donald J. Trump and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida each finishing more than 20 percentage points higher than Mr. Bush in the Iowa caucuses on Monday, the former Florida governor is facing growing pressure to either demonstrate his appeal to voters or leave the race.
Specifically, many Republicans — including some of his supporters and donors — said Tuesday that Mr. Bush must finish ahead of Mr. Rubio in the primary here on Tuesday to justify continuing his campaign into South Carolina.
“If Rubio beats him badly in New Hampshire, Jeb is toast,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, a Bush backer who spent most of Tuesday traveling the state with him.
Mr. Graham added that Mr. Bush must either “tie Rubio or beat him” in this state.