Socialism is a system of horror. In Islam, your neighbor’s house and food also belongs to you. Everyone is like a family

2016-01-31 5

ADNAN OKTAR: [Audience letter] “Mr. Oktar, in socialism, there is always good neighborhood relations. People don’t put each other's nose out of joint. People don’t die because they have no money”. Come on! People go mad under socialism. Don’t you see the situation in China? People no longer act like humans, they are like robots. How can you say that? Don’t you see the state of Russia? They were ruined by communism. There was even a term, “rustic”, to describe their expressions. They were ruined, were completely ruined with scary looks on their faces, frozen brains and souls.  So, you are completely wrong. On one hand there is Islam’s warm and loving fellowship, on the other hand there is the situation [in China and Russia]. In Islam, your neighbor’s house is your house and your house is their house. Their food is yours and your food is theirs. There won’t be a problem like not having money to buy clothes for i