31-01-2016 Moleson (Day 31 of 365)

2016-01-31 1

The Moléson (French: Le Moléson) (2,002 metres) is a mountain of the Swiss Prealps, overlooking the region of Gruyères in the canton of Fribourg. It lies at the northern end of the chain between Lake Geneva and the valley of the Sarine.The summit of the mountain can be easily reached, a cable car station being located near the summit at 1,982 metres as well as a meteorological station. From the village of Moléson-sur-Gruyères a funicular leads to Plan Francey (1,517 m), from where the cable car starts.

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Video duration: 60 seconds
Video URL: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3plwst_31-01-2016-moleson-day-31-of-365_shortfilms