How to Pick Up a Dog - Dog How2 Vids

2016-01-31 14

How to Pick Up a Dog
Research breed restrictions. Some areas — cities, counties, or states — ban specific breeds of dog, and you must be aware of what is or is not allowed in your region. Look up “breed-specific legislation” or “dangerous dog ordinances” in your state to find out whether or not there are any restrictions on what types of dogs you can bring into your home. For example, the city of Fitzgerald, Georgia allows existing pit bulls to remain in the city, but has banned owners from bringing new pit bulls into the area. Contact your insurance company, as well, to see if they will make you buy additional insurance for bringing specific breeds into your home. Commonly blacklisted breeds include:
• Pit Bull Terriers
• Staffordshire Terriers
• Rottweilers
• German Shepherds
• Presa Canarios
• Chows Chows
• Doberman Pinschers
• Akitas
• Wolf-hybrids
• Mastiffs
• Cane Corsos
• Great Danes
• Alaskan Malamutes
• Siberian Huskies
Consider breed temperaments. A dog’s breed can have a significant impact on its personality. Some breeds, like Weimaraners, are simply too large and high-energy to have around small children — they may play too hard.0 Others, like Akitas, have short tempers and might bite excitable children who don't know how to interact with them.Research the temperaments of all the breeds you're considering to find out whether they would make a good match for your family. Use the American Kennel Club or another breed registry to get an idea of each breed’s particular characteristics.

Research each breed’s health needs. The Great Dane's immense size and deep chest often causes painful bloating and twisting in the stomach that needs immediate medical care. They also suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia. You have to decide if a given breed's health risks are acceptable to you.
• Because “mutts” have more genetic variation, they tend to be healthier than purebred dogs. If you don’t want to deal with a high risk of genetic problems, consider avoid purebred dogs.

• Think about how much maintenance you can handle. Consider, too, whether you're willing to clean up all the shed fur from a long-haired dog.
• The poodle is considered to be a non-shedding dog. However, it is a dog that needs frequent appointments at the groomers to keep its hair from matting.
• Other breeds also will need professional groom to maintain a proper coat.

Decide whether you want a purebred or a hybrid "mutt." A purebred dog will give you a better sense of what their temperament will be like, since dogs often take after their parents. If you purchase a dog from a breeder, you’ll also have better access to the dog’s genealogy and medical history, which will help you foresee health problems. However, if you aren’t in love with a specific breed, consider adopting a dog. Most of the dogs in animal rescue shelters are hybrids, or "mutts." Getting a dog from a shelter will allow you to help your community by taking responsibility for an unwanted or stray dog.
• Personnel at the rescue/humane society will usually be able to tell you about the temperaments and behaviors of individual dogs in their care. Even without breed characteristics, you should be able to get a good sense of a dog’s personality.

Choose a dog of the right age. Choose a dog of the right age.
The final factor to consider before looking for a dog is whether you want:
a puppy
an adult dog or
an elderly dog

There are various benefits and downsides to each.
• Puppies are adorable, and can grow together with children to form memories and long-lasting friendships. They're also a lot of work at first, and require careful training to make sure they're safe to have around the house when they grow up.
• An adult dog being pre-house trained is calmer than puppies, and won't require as much supervision.
• Elderly dogs can make wonderful, loving companions for elderly people or those with a sedentary lifestyle. These dogs are least likely to be adopted, so giving a home to an elderly dog would be a great service to an animal in need.

Meet with potential dogs.
Find out the owner’s criteria for making dogs available for adoption.
Ask about each dog's behavior.
Make an initial evaluation of all dogs available for adoption.
Introduce the dog to all members of the household.
Inquire about the dog’s parents.
Set up a temporary foster situation if necessary.
How to Pick Up a Dog

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