A robot boy and a human boy team up to save their respective parents, who are being held captive by the organization that funded the robot's creator. Kim Coates,Penelope Ann Miller,David Eigenberg,Joaquim de Almeida,Jae Head,Bobby Coleman,Holliston Coleman,Peter Jason,Billy Slaughter,Carol Sutton,Lacey Minchew,Buddy Lewis,Caleb Michaelson,Erin Woods,Blake Bergman,Robbie E. Harrison,Christian Pikes,Gina Bernal,Nick Lopez,Allen Boudreaux,Melissa Caudle,Kimberlane Clement,Sara Clement,Robert M. Coleman Jr.,Doris Berg Coleman,Robert Collier,Daurice Cummings,Evan Feldman,Krystina Fisher,Trey Fuller,Jamie Harrold,Topher Jones,Cynthia LeBlanc,Michael R. Long,Jason McKenzie,Sean McNamara,Wayne Douglas Morgan,Jay Oliver,Brittany Portman,Allison Robin,Henry Robin,Lonnie Schaffer,Louis St. Romain,Paul Stodolny,Denise Sweet