純善無惡!無我不著我、讓我的心,要常住在他人的心。不想自己的心,如一隻猛獸,只為自己個人的貪婪慾妄著想。【人心不死,道心不生也】。學著盡量往自己的心內安住,看管好自己的心,看住自己的心。要降低減少,放下自己內心的各種欲望私欲,才能做自己生命的,內心真正心靈的主宰。當我們清楚瞭解因果不虛的道理之後,才能將能輕鬆、自在的面對,通過人世間種種的不順遂!「看到別人的心不重要,看見自己心境上存有什麼,得有真實才重要」。故大家自己唯有學習放下,學知到圓滿智慧,才能破除心靈之障礙。Pure and no evil! Without me vain me, let my heart be resident in the heart of others. You do not want your heart, like a beast, only for their own personal greed For the sake jump. [People dead, said the heart is not born too]. Try to learn to live in safety within their own heart, see themselves and their hearts, to live to see his heart. To decrease the reduction, put your heart desires desires to do his own life, the heart really dominate the mind. When we clearly understand the cause and effect is not empty after the truth, in order to be able to easily face the comfortable, by all sorts of bad day on earth! "When I saw the hearts of others is not important, what is there to see on your mood, there's just too important." Therefore, we only learn to lay down their own, learn to know to successfully wisdom, to break the barriers of the soul.