Us Marines conduct a qualification in the mine resistant with protection from mines and ambushes.

2016-01-29 2

Watch Us Marines conduct a qualification in the mine resisitant with protection from mines and ambushes.onlin
U.S. Marines conduct qualification in the Mine Resisitant Ambush Protected vehicle Egress Trainer (MET), aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort.

A MRAP, for Mine Resistant Ambush Protected, is a family of armored vehicles designed to withstand IED, Improvised Explosives for machinery and ambushes.
The MRAP are descendants vehicles developed to withstand mines during the war Bush Southern Rhodesia between 1972 and 1980.

These vehicles are mostly equipped with a deflection shield V characteristic under frame. The first MRAP vehicles were purchased in 2003 by the USMC starting in 2005, and tactics are actually investigated. The lightest of them weighing over 14 tonnes