Space reusable rocket: Elon Musks SpaceX successfully lands upright Falcon 9 rocket - Tom

2016-01-27 6

CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA — SpaceX, the company owned by high-tech entrepreneur and billionaire Elon Musk, has for the first time landed vertically an .\r
Originally published on 22 December, 2015 Sign up for a free trial of News Directs news animations at .\r
After an unsuccessful year of false starts, close calls, and a total loss of one of their rockets, SpaceX can ring in the new year with cheer. The space exploration .\r
SpaceX Launches Satellite But Fails To Land Watch SpaceX Land Vertically SpaceX Launches Satellite But Fails To Land Elon Musks Falcon 9 rocket puts the .