Movie News: Fifty Shades of Grey parody coming from Marlon Wayans (2015) HD

2015-05-14 12

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After the release of 'Fifty Shades of Grey', parodies of the movie began making the rounds but we've yet to see a full-length feature film parody. Now that is all about to change thanks to Marlon Wayans, who just announced that he is co-writing and starring in Fifty Shades of Black. News from The Hollywood Reporter is that Wayans will work with producer-writer Rick Alvarez and director Michael Tiddes on the new comedy spoof, which will reunite the people behind the Haunted House franchise. The actor also posted the news to his Instagram, with the comment, "Check it out! Just announced my next movie FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK coming soon." Production is set to begin shortly, and an early 2016 release is planned.

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