The group!! Put Muslim women, elders & children lives in danger in non-Muslim lands ~Mufti Menk

2016-01-27 4

A clip from Mufti Menk interview in 2015

Many Hadiths (sayings) said by the Prophet of Mercy (pbuh) assure the importance of cooperation, helping others and offering them a hand. The generous Prophet considers faith be incomplete until one loves for his brother what he loves for himself!! He considers who sleeps and knows his neighbor is starving, his faith is incomplete, and also who is visited by a guest, and fails to honor, his faith is incomplete.

Allah's Apostle says, "None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself" [Sahih Al Bani 7384], and also says, "A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim who does not oppress him nor hand him over, and who is after the need of his brother, Allah will be after his need, and who relieves a Muslim from the plight of distress, Allah relieves him from one of the plights of distress of The Day of Resurrection, and who enshrouds a Muslim, Allah will cover him on The Day of Judgment" [Sahih Al Bani 7988],

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