Like "Endless Love" this is a film about a young, naive girl (played by Ornella Muti, who started out as an Italian Brooke Shields but turned out to be a daring and talented actress)who meets an older drifter (played by Allesandro Oranio, later Muti's real-life husband). She is from a wealthy industrial family, however, and, of course, her father does not approve. So far, so "Endless Love", but then the pair runs off together and end up on an island
Director: Giorgio Stegani
Stars: Alessio Orano, Ornella Muti, Luigi Pistilli
Also Known As (AKA)
(original title) Il sole nella pelle
Summer Affair
Canada (French title) Le soleil dans la peau
Spain ¿Violación bajo el sol?
France (reissue title) Amour jeune, amour fou
France L'amour dans la peau
UK Sun on the Skin
Greece (video title) Anilikoi erastes
Mexico Con el sol en la piel
USA Summer Affair
West Germany Ein Sommer voller Zärtlichkeit
West Germany (video title) Zu Tode gehetzt