France will not be deterred by terrorism - Hollande

2016-01-25 27

French president Francois Hollande says that France will always protect the values it stands for.

Hollande, who is in the Indian capital, was reacting to the ISIL propaganda video showing locations targeted during November’s Paris attacks.

“France will not be deterred by any kind of threats of terrorism,” said Hollande. “We will take all measures that are required to protect democracy. Therefore, the decision that was taken to extend the period of emergency in France, so that we can take all the necessary measures — we will always protect the values for which France stands. This video brings discredit to the perpetrator of these crimes.”

State of Fear

As France remains on edge, President Hollande is looking to extend the state of emergency imposed after a series of suicide bombings and shootings across Paris in November, despite criticism from human rights groups.

The country’s state of emergency gives the government the authority to search houses without a warrant and re

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