Epic backpacking trip around the world in 10 months

2016-01-25 675

Worldtrip 2014 2015

• 291 days
• 86.000km
• 18 countries:
1. South Africa
2. Swasiland
3. Namibia
4. Botswana
5. Zimbabwe
6. United Arab Emirates - Dubai
7. Nepal
8. Thailand
9. Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
10. Singapore
11. Indonesia - Sumatra, Java, Bali
12. Australia
13. New Zealand
14. United States of America - Hawaii
15. Nicaragua
16. Costa Rica
17. Peru
18. Bolivia

German blog: http://chrisworldtrip.traveloca.com/

• M83 - Outro
• The Naked and Famous - No Way

• Samsung NX 300
• GoPro 3 Silver

Thanks for watching!