Facts : 1 Rader By the mid-1970s, Stanley Rader, an attorney and church accountant who had been a personal assistant to Herbert W
Facts : 2 Armstrong since 1958, appeared to be stepping into the number two position of administration previously thought to be Garner Ted s domain
Facts : 3 One conflict was that Rader had set up privately owned, affiliated corporations that were doing business with the church
Facts : 4 Garner Ted, and others in the organization, were skeptical of Rader s legal and financial dealings and suspected a bid to control the church s multi-million dollar business
Facts : 5 One objection to Rader s role was that, being Jewish, he had never been a baptized member of the church or a practicing Christian
Facts : 6 That obstacle was removed in 1975 when Rader was baptized by the elder Armstrong
Facts : 7 By the mid-1970s two different and rival views were developing regarding the work and future of the church
Facts : 8 One plan was formulated by Garner Ted Armstrong, who wanted to take the church in a direction built around a larger publishing and broadcasting platform that would go out under his name
Facts : 9 Garner Ted was wary of prophecies built around specific dates, and he was reported to be against the idea of continuing to deliver messages that associated the U.S
Facts : 10 He experimented with turning the church s flagship magazine, The Plain Truth, into a tabloid-size newspaper in the style of the Christian Science Monitor
Facts : 11 He envisioned a television broadcast along the lines of one that was later developed by the Christian Science Church, which created a short-lived nightly news program that was later seen on the Discovery Channel
Facts : 12 Meanwhile, Stanley Rader aided significantly in crafting a unique role for the senior Armstrong on the world stage: Herbert W
Facts : 13 Armstrong was promoted to various governments as an ambassador without portfolio for world peace
Facts : 14 In that role he did not so much represent the Worldwide Church of God or Ambassador College as he did a completely new entity called the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation (AICF)
Facts : 15 This foundation helped to finance the Tatum O Neal motion picture Paper Moon and a new and slick commercial publication called Quest; bought Everest House, a publishing company; and turned the Ambassador Auditorium, located on the college campus in Pasadena, into a performing arts venue that boasted an annual subscription series featuring world-renowned